What do you think of creating a space where

Everyone deserves equal opportunities, support, and tools to navigate the era of communities.

Community industry has many problems.

There are many challenges that individuals face when trying to engage with communities today. We developed Community Manifesto for Spilnota in order to cover solutions that will solve those issues.

Are you taking action to solve them? Are you the person who challenges the status quo?

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1a2da2ff-ac3a-4bfd-a5be-69e9b0a5ab13/Group_52_copy.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/1a2da2ff-ac3a-4bfd-a5be-69e9b0a5ab13/Group_52_copy.png" width="40px" /> At Spilnota, we welcome everyone who is passionate about communities: creators, entrepreneurs, investors, Web3 enthusiasts, and working professionals. Doers that are building a better space for all of us: products, organisation, and use cases of communities!


Spilnota’s Vision

The future is Community. All human beings are part of a community where they are valued and all organizations have thriving communities.

<aside> 🎍 We are committed to leading the way in shaping the future of communities in the era of the new internet. We believe that strong and engaged communities are the driving force behind the meaningful growth and success of every organization.


Spilnota’s Mission

Synergized ideas & communities